discard library pockets are stuck to walls all over the world.
1) if you find one, keep the art that's in it.
2) refill the pocket with some arty artifact of your own.
3) email a picture of what you find & I'll post it here or you can post it on tumblr

May 21, 2012


I've got 66 discard pockets left.
Let me know if you want another.

May 15, 2012

with Coffee

Crystal pinned this one on the bulletin board near the coffeepot at Mineola Memorial Library in Mineola, Texas.

Art 101

 Milbridge Maine
Machias, Maine
 2-D/Art 101 class at University of Maine at Machias 
got their artsy hands on some discard pockets.
Harry & Josie hung these two.

May 14, 2012

Truck Stop

Jennifer, the keeper of the Eve-N-Odd gallery, dropped off a pocket at the 
TRUCK gallery in Calgary. 
That's in Canada, if you're keeping score.

May 8, 2012

Bus Stop in Dallas, Texas


I'd been imaging these things being stuck to bus stops from the start. Thank you Willie!
[and I don't plan on making a habit of it, but this post calls for a soundtrack.]

May 5, 2012