discard library pockets are stuck to walls all over the world.
1) if you find one, keep the art that's in it.
2) refill the pocket with some arty artifact of your own.
3) email a picture of what you find & I'll post it here or you can post it on tumblr

April 7, 2012

JELL-O Boxes & Library Pockets

While my mother shopped at Curly's, my favorite (maybe I mean compulsive) pass time was to sort & stack the JELL-O boxes. I really, really loved doing that. 
I did. 

Anyway, fifty years later, I'm generally not so concerned with stacking & sorting, but there's a tidy part of my JELL-O box brain that would be really, really happy if  I could send out another round of 100 pockets.

This is weird, right?
Just the same, if you have friends or family who mind want to do some pocket-sticking - or if you want more- email me.

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